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About JBIC
About JBIC

This page introduces information on JBIC's role and organization.


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Information about JBIC's activities in each business area and its efforts for environmental conservation.


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Various reports compiled and contributed by JBIC



JBIC's Sustainability Initiatives


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Press-release-related web pages.


Investor Relations
Investor Relations

This page introduces information on JBIC's investor relations.


Objection Procedures based on Environmental Guidelines

JBIC introduced objection procedures simultaneously with implementation of its Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations (the "Environmental Guidelines") and Guidelines for Confirmation of Information Disclosure Considerations for Nuclear Sector Projects (the "Information Disclosure Guidelines") to ensure its compliance with the Environmental Guidelines and the Information Disclosure Guidelines.

Their objectives are (1) to investigate facts as to whether or not the Environmental Guidelines and the Information Disclosure Guidelines have been complied with by JBIC and report the results thereof to the Executive Committee; and (2) to encourage dialogues between the parties concerned based on their consent in order to assist early resolution of disputes concerning specific environmental and/or social problems caused by the JBIC-funded project, which arose due to JBIC's non-compliance with the Environmental Guidelines or the Information Disclosure Guidelines. Examiners for Environmental Guidelines were appointed as an independent entity for conducting investigation.

The concrete procedures are set forth in the following:

For the status of acceptance of the requests and the progress of procedures, please see here.

Examiners for Environmental Guidelines

Now following two persons are serving as Examiners for Environmental Guidelines(Re-appointed on October 1, 2024).

Profiles of Examiners

Ms. OKU Mami
Professor, Faculty of Urban Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Major: environmental law, administrative law.

1991: graduated from the Department of International Economics, College of Economics, Yokohama National University
1993: obtained the Master’s Degree on International Economics Law from the Graduate School of International Economics and Law, Yokohama National University

1993-1998Researcher of the Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research.
1998-1999Lecturer of the Faculty of Environmental Science, Nagasaki University.
1999-2006Associate Professor of the Faculty of Environmental Science, Nagasaki University.
2006-2020Professor of the Faculty of Urban Liberal Arts, Tokyo Metropolitan University.
2020-present : Professor of the Faculty of Urban Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University.

In addition to the above, she also had experienced the following positions;
2001-2002Visiting researcher of the Environmental Policy Management Group, Imperial College, University of London.
2005-2009Visiting researcher of the Environmental Committee Research Office, House of Councilors, The National Diet of Japan.

Mr. SASE Hiroshi
Professor, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University
Major: Civil Procedure, Dispute Resolution System.

2004: LL.B., The University of Tokyo
2016: LL.M., University of Toronto

2004-2007 : Research Associate of the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics at the University of Tokyo.
2007-2009 : Full-time lecturer of the Faculty of Law at Gakushuin University.
2009-2016 : Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law at Gakushuin University.
2016-present : Professor of the Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University.

In addition to the above, he also had experienced the following position;
2013-2014 : Visiting scholar at Hastings College of the Law, University of California.

Annual Report of the Examiners for Environmental Guidelines

The Examiners for Environmental Guidelines prepares an annual report on their activities.

  • *1 The"Annual Report of the Examiners for Environmental Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2018"contains the Examiner's notice in one of its notes. The Examiner's notice is now directly attached to this report (since July 2020), although originally its URL was indicated at the note.
Summary of Objection Procedures Based on Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations