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About JBIC
About JBIC

This page introduces information on JBIC's role and organization.


Support Menu
Support Menu

JBIC offers a range of financial products and other services to our clients.


Business Areas
Business Areas

Information about JBIC's activities in each business area and its efforts for environmental conservation.


Public Information
Public Information

Various reports compiled and contributed by JBIC



JBIC's Sustainability Initiatives


Press Releases
Press Releases

Press-release-related web pages.


Investor Relations
Investor Relations

This page introduces information on JBIC's investor relations.


Business Areas

Information about JBIC's activities in each business area and its efforts for environmental conservation.

Five Business Areas of Focus

In accordance with the "Goal" set out in our Medium-Term Business Plan, JBIC identified the following five business areas as major challenges in light of the government's growth strategy, industry trends and needs, as well as financial and economic environment.

Energy and Natural Resources

Infrastructure Sector

Industry Sector

Mid-Tier Enterprises and SMEs

*For information on JBIC’s startup investment, please see here.

Environment-related Sector

Efforts of JBIC for Environmental Conservation

Environmental Guidelines

JBIC has established the "JBIC Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations (Environmental Guidelines)", which set out the guiding policy and procedures for confirming that the borrowers or project proponents have taken appropriate steps for environmental and social considerations.