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Partial acquisition of public offering Samurai Bonds issued by the Government of the United Mexican States
Supporting diversification of funding sources of the Government of the United Mexican States and invigoration of Samurai Bond Market

  • Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
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NR /2012-15
June 1, 2012
  1. The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC; Governor: Hiroshi Okuda) has decided to partially acquire yen-denominated foreign bonds (Samurai bonds) *1. This issue was a public placement denominated in Japanese yen totaling 80 billion yen*2 issued by the Government of the United Mexican States (the Mexican Government) in the Japanese market.
  2. JBIC has been providing guarantees for Samurai bonds (private placement bonds) issued in December 2009 and in October 2010 by the Mexican Government totaling up to 300 billion yen*3. This time, in light of growing recognition of the Mexican Government (the issuer)through their issuance of Samurai bonds with JBIC guarantee twice in the past by investors in the Tokyo markets, JBIC will support its issuance by partial acquisition of Samurai bonds (public placement bonds) as it will be issued under the form of public placement bonds (without guarantee). This is the JBIC's first partial acquisition of Samurai bonds under the Guarantee and Acquisition toward Tokyo market Enhancement (GATE) facility.*4
  3. JBIC's gradual support to the Mexican Government for their Samurai bonds issuances contribute to maintaining and increasing the presence of the Mexican government bonds in the Tokyo market. Furthermore, JBIC's support for Samurai bonds issuances in the Tokyo bond market will offer a wide range of investment opportunities to Japanese Investors and is thereby expected to invigorate the Samurai bond market.
  4. JBIC will continue its support for Samurai bonds issuance by foreign governments or government agencies in the Tokyo bond market under the GATE facility. 
  1. *1 Samurai bonds are yen-denominated bonds issued by foreign governments or companies in the Tokyo bond market.
  2. *2 13th (3 years) and 14th (5 years) issues of the yen-denominated Mexican Government bonds in 2012.
  3. *3 See Press Release on December 18, 2009, and on October 25, 2010.
  4. *4 See Press Release on April 15, 2010.

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