- Region: North America
- Marine and Aerospace
- Import Loans
- Guarantees
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC; Governor: Akira Kondoh) signed today a guarantee agreement (total principal amount covered by guarantee: about JPY9 billion) with two private financial institutions which will provide a loan to TLC Citron Co., Ltd. and FK Utopia Leasing Ltd.
The aim of this guarantee agreement is, by assisting the borrowing from private financial institutions, to support the import of an aircraft from the Boeing Company in the U.S., which is leased to ANA HOLDINGS INC. by TLC Citron Co., Ltd. FK Utopia Leasing Ltd. and is operated by the ANA Group. This will contribute to maintaining and increasing the international competitiveness of the Japanese aviation industry.
As Japan's policy-based financial institution, JBIC will continue to provide financial support for the import of aircraft that is indispensable for the lives of the Japanese people.