- Region: Asia
- Marine and Aerospace
- Overseas Investment Loans
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC; Governor: HAYASHI Nobumitsu) signed loan agreements*1 with Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) and MOL Treasury Management Pte. Ltd., a Singaporean company under the auspices of MOL, respectively, each amounting to approximately USD82 million (JBIC portion). The loans are co-financed with private financial institutions*2, each bringing the total co-financing amount to USD137 million.
These loans are intended to finance part of the funds necessary for MOL Chemical Tankers Pte. Ltd. (MOLCT) of Singapore to acquire Fairfield Chemical Carriers Pte. Ltd. (FCC).
FCC is a Singapore-based company specializing in the operation of chemical tankers with sea routes around the world. By acquiring the entire shareholding in FCC, MOLCT aims to expand its business and grasp more profit-earning opportunities with a greatly enlarged fleet of chemical tankers under its ownership as well as a new customer base. These loans, which financially support the overseas M&A by the MOL group company, will contribute toward maintaining and strengthening the international competitiveness of the Japanese shipping industry.
As Japan's policy-based financial institution, JBIC will continue to actively provide financial support for overseas M&A activities of Japanese companies and their overseas business expansion in collaboration with private financial institutions.
- *1
The loan agreements were signed on March 28, 2024.
- *2
MUFG Bank, Ltd., Resona Bank, Limited, the Hyakujushi Bank, Ltd., the Iyo Bank, Ltd., Kansai Mirai Bank, Limited, the Joyo Bank, Ltd., and Hana Bank Tokyo Branch.